Welcome to ahndhi.com!

This is the homepage of Ahndhi Sticha a zine maker and publisher based in Athens, GA. All of these zines (and some other stuff) are available for purchase at my Etsy Store. Feel free to contact me at asticha@gmail.com or on Instagram


Weenie Mag is a humor zine featuring strange fiction, alternative comics, and surreal ads. It is equal measures unique artistic vision and immature pablum. The pieces tend to be somewhat short, but offer work from a number of Athens artists and a few further afield.

Weenie No. 1Weenie Mag No. 1
16pg - B&W

The first issue of Weenie Mag! Before we even knew there would be issues with an "s." The table of contents reads: Table of Contents, Letter from the Debtor, News, Home Depot, Bren and the Fat Cat, Excerpt from Pantomime of Dogs, The Pit and the Pain, Skeletons and the Fly Jar, Mustard, and CatTrader.

Weenie No. 2Weenie Mag No. 2
16pg - B&W

This was the first of several Weenie Mags published in Missouri. It also features a greater variety of artists and authors than the first issue, a hallmark of the issues to follow. The table of contents reads: News, Greg's Tattoos, Mazel Tov Cocktail, Ask Harriet the Humpback, The Bigly Healthy President-Elect & The Poet-Doctor of the Upper Eastside, Turd Baby, -, Sex, Drugs, & Polka: Interview, Depressed, Superman, with Hand in Pants, and CatTrader.

Weenie No. 3Weenie Mag No. 3
16pg - B&W, Riso

Weenie Mag No. 3 was the first issue to feature a Risographed cover. It's also probably my favorite cover. The table of contents reads: Year of the Weenie, News, Crossword, Harry Potter and the Bottle of Fire, Return of the Sea Buddies Out West VEGAS S TexasY L E, Mom Drinks Pee, A Poem for Weenie Mag, Rusty Gets High, and CatTrader.

Weenie No. 4Weenie Mag No. 4
16pg - B&W, Riso

We got extra fancy with Weenie Mag No. 4 and started the trend of including a Risographed centerfold as well. And what a centerfold to include... The table of contents reads: Table of Contents, Love & Compassion, News, Spam Mail Haikus, Centerfold, Ten Things You Don't Know About Anderson Cooper, How to Kill Yourself by Holding Your Breath, Harry Potter Feels Deathly Hollow, and CatTrader.

Weenie No. 5Weenie Mag No. 5
16pg - B&W, Riso

The lost issue, Weenie Mag No. 5. It was the first issue to have a strong theme: horses. It also features the coolest centerfold. The centerfold is so cool it almost prevented us from releasing the issue because it was too hard to print. The table of contents reads: Table of Contents, Preface, A Weenie to the Editor, News, Horses: A Crossword, Horoscopes from our Celestial Mistress Jane Goodall, Centerfold, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prick, and Why Don't They Want You to Know the Truth? (There's a CatTrader too, fear not!)

Weenie No. 6Weenie Mag No. 6
24pg - B&W, Riso

Weenie Mag No. 6 is the most recent issue of Weenie Mag and marks the return of the zine to Athens, GA. The loose theme was conspiracy theories. The table of contents reads: Table of Contents, Uncle Sam is a Whore, B. Wayne Barric: June 6, 1996, Conversations with Jack Parsons, How to Fix the World, CatTrader, Horoscopes from our Celestial Mistress, Jane Goodall, Weenie Quiz, NASA Sends Astronauts to Mars (Again), A Nice Homemade Meal, and B. Wayne Barric, October, 1997.


Big Dick EnergyBig Dick Energy
16pg - B&W

Big Dick Energy reads like a cult leader's fever dream and answers five fundamental questions about Big Dick Energy: What is Big Dick Energy? Is Big Dick Energy right for me? Who can benefit from Big Dick Energy? Where do I get Big Dick Energy? And, What does one do with Big Dick Energy? Fascinating stuff. Also old porn. Lots of old porn.


Bram de Groot'sProfessor Bram de Groot's Marvelous Catalog of Life Enhancing Electromagical Devices & Solutions
16pg - B&W, Riso

The good Professor offers up a catalog of some of his most efficacious products! Whether you seek to enact a positive change in your own life and a deleterious effect in someone else's, Professor Bram de Groot has a solution. All products are of the highest quality and come with the Professor's personal guarantee.


32pg - B&W, Stamped Cover

A spooky story about a child-eating witch and her brood of crows. All of the text, and many of the illustrations are from Caw Caw or The Chronicle of Crows a very disturbing childrens book in the public domain. Definitely worth a read. In fact most of the art is remixed from public domain works. One of the goals of this zine was to highlight the amazing and cool stuff available for free in the Internet Archive. It is also one of the first zines I made since I was a kid.



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